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2016: |
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Draw The Line in 2016
Between Public & Private Representatives |
Draw the line between elected officials who represent private corporations, and our public representatives who actually represent the public. Bernie Sanders & Jill Stein are not afraid to stand up to big multinational corporations and hold them accountable, in favor of human rights. Both, Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein have demonstrated that they can't be bought, and will not be bought by corporate interests. Hillary & the Republicans are already corporate bought! That’s why it’s imperative that Democrats vote for Bernie Sanders in the Primaries. Let the Democrats in Washington know, early on, that there will be no vote (for Hillary) for corporate interests in 2016. The Choice will be between Bernie Sanders of the Democrats or Jill Stein of the Green Party.
Hillary is the most hawkish candidate, even more than Trump or Cruz. Her record is clear. She is a warmongering corporate politician who is against progressive policies. You can’t both claim to be liberal and simultaneously support Hillary. Establishment candidates do not deserve progressive votes.
Draw The Line in 2016 http://blog.uResist.com/2015/11/line.html Make this Election about public rather than private interests, with democratic-socialism.
Text NY to 82623 to find polling location or http://bernie.to/VoteNY |
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